My life, my pilgrimage
A heart, a spirit in his cage. I'm locked in the path of my pilgrimage which will be the story of my life.
I started 17 years ago, my path is not unimpeded and I need to cultivate the joy of life to move forward. In relation to an Angel who whispers hope in my dreams, I move forward and I am confident even if almost everything is possible!
I am young and I must discover my path as a man guided by his destiny. To move forward, my strength I draw from the love of those who accompany me and surround me.
The looks and words are for me eternal moments guided in the light of my Are.
I need to find the keys so that I can open the doors of the paths.
With a lot of effort, patience, will, courage and perseverance I have to move forward with my rhythm in a world that goes fast.
Wherever I go I am addicted but my mind is sharp and my creativity in words, music, enrage me and incarnate me in reality.
I am like you, I love life, friends, parties but above all let my writing express my dreams, my screams, my pain, my joy and my hope.

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